Step Forward is thankful to currently be in partnership with 50 national churches and leaders in the Middle East & North Africa.

John and Vania Raad serve as partners in Lebanon. Committed to serve and share Christ to refugees, the Raads serve as full-time partners at the Syrian Lebanese border.

Pastor Michel and Joumana Abbas faithfully serve in Lebanon. Pastor Michel is the Senior Pastor at Christ Evangelical Baptist Church and Joumana serves in the Women’s Ministry.

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We invest in partnerships with individuals and churches who are passionately committed to reach the lost.

We work in unity through nationals who leverage their like-minded organizations, ministries and churches in the Middle East Region for the purpose of mobilizing, training, and discipleship. We continue to seek out and form partnerships to strengthen our effectiveness in reaching the unreached for the glory of God.

Interested in partnering with Step Forward? Contact us at