The year 2019 began with a historic moment for Step Forward Global Ministries. Our team met with Pope Tawadros II to officially begin a strategic Coptic Orthodox Church partnership. With 22 million members worldwide and 17 million in Egypt, SFGM's reach will be expanded unprecedentedly across the globe!

It was my special joy to lead a Step Forward team to Cairo, Egypt in January of 2019. The main purpose for this visit was to meet with the Pope of the Coptic Orthodox Church, his holiness Pope Tawadros II.

During my years of service with Haggai Institute and then with EQUIP, with God’s help, my dream came true to bring all denominations together in one room to receive Leadership training and return home mobilized to do the Lord’s work in the greater area of Middle East - the most challenging and difficult area in the world to achieve cooperation and unity. We all decided that regardless of our theological disagreements, in order to restore the lands that the enemy has stolen in the Middle East, we should fix our eyes on Christ and join hands and hearts together in service.

Little by little, the Lord gave me favor in the eyes of the leaders of the Orthodox, the Catholic and the Anglican Churches. As I endeavored faithfully to invest in them, I gained their confidence and trust. In fact, they are now the groups most excited about training that will help empower them in God’s work.

Ever since the Lord helped me to start Step Forward Global Ministries, it has been so humbling to see so many leaders following me because of the trust built through the years. Step Forward continues to bring all denominations together for leadership training and to help inspire and motivate them to return home to make an eternal difference in this dark and broken world, knowing that they are not alone nor forsaken.

Pope Tawadros II who has often sent his inner circle leaders to the training we conduct in Cyprus, has expressed his desire to expand the leadership training across Egypt to cover more bishops and priests. That’s why we met with him in Saint Mark Cathedral on Sunday, January 13. On Monday, January 14, we launched the first leadership training ever in one of the largest Orthodox churches in Cairo, Egypt!

To be honest, I never dreamed or even imagined that the day would come to see four American Evangelical pastors teaching in the Orthodox church in Cairo, Egypt, but don’t we worship the God of the impossible? As we know, nothing is impossible with our God!

To Him be praise!