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What others have to say.

Also Step Forward's training has helped me not only in my spiritual life but also in my career, as I know that leadership that doesn't involve servanthood is not spiritual leadership as once we stop serving, we stop walking in Christ's footsteps of leadership.


I want to thank God from all my heart for you all and to thank each one of you for your loving heart, generous spirit and life of integrity that you have and shown to us. Really, I can see our Lord Jesus very clear in your words and works. Rania and I are so glad to know Godly Family like you all. I encourage you to keep teaching us in the Middle East what the Lord teaches you as we teach many more. I encourage you to keep supporting Step Forward. God is using you to bless millions of people around the world through this ministry.... Keep Going... Be encouraged!


Being part of Step Forward is one of the special joys of my life.

Safwat Adib, Assuit Egypt

No words can express my feelings... Step Forward's training course was amazing. It was highly beneficial and touched me deeply. Your efforts and love influenced all who attended. I appreciate every word I have heard, and I intend to convey all lectures to others - either with the upper Egypt Step4ward group or alone. God bless you all... Dr. Michel, Dr. Steve, Pastor Steve, Dr. Dan, Dr. Carter, Mrs. Marj, Mrs. Carol and everyone who prays and supports us.

Serve With Us
We believe serving is both a privilege and an act of worship. Through volunteering, we grow closer to our Christian family and become more like Jesus as we use our God-given gifts to bless others.